RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — Lawmakers in several states want to require driver’s education courses to teach motorists about proper traffic-stop behavior. Most bills don’t legislate what that behavior should be, but Illinois’ 2017 “Rules of the Road” handbook published last month offers some do’s and don’ts:
- slow down and safely pull over to the right-hand shoulder or nearest safe location.
- keep both hands clearly in sight on the steering wheel until the police officer instructs otherwise.
- be prepared for an officer to approach your vehicle from either side.
- do not exit your vehicle until asked to do so, since getting out may be viewed as aggressive behavior.
- when asked for your driver’s license and proof of insurance, say where they are, then follow the officer’s instructions.
- don’t debate with the officer about the reason for the stop or a ticket. There will be time in court to defend yourself.
- don’t be uncooperative, and don’t resist if taken into custody.
- expect the officer to treat you with dignity and respect. Report any inappropriate behavior to the officer’s superiors.
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