SAN DIEGO (WSVN) — A girl scout in California made a killing selling her troop’s famous cookies after she set up shop outside of a San Diego marijuana dispensary.

According to Fox 4, the young girl’s father claims his daughter sold over 300 boxes of cookies in about six hours after she decided to sell boxes of the popular cookies outside Urbn Leaf.

A photo posted to Instagram by the San Diego marijuana dispensary shows the young girl with an armful of cookies, along with the message, “Get some Girl Scout Cookies with your GSC today until 4pm! 🍃🍪 Have a friend that wants to #tagalong? Bring them with – shopping is more fun with friends anyways.”

Girl Scouts San Diego said that while booth sales do not start for another week, scouts are allowed to sell from wagons as long as they have a parent or guardian present.

“So if that’s what they say they were doing … then they were right within the rules,” said the girl’s father told Fox 4.

This is not the first time a girl scout has made headlines for selling cookies near a dispensary. In 2014, a scout reportedly sold more than 100 boxes of cookies in two hours outside a San Francisco dispensary.

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