HIGHLANDS RANCH, Colo. (WSVN) — A young girl scout got creative with her cookie sales after she started offering boxes featuring a photo of actor Jason Momoa.
Charlotte Holmberg is a 5th grader with a knack for selling girl scout cookies. Repeated sales have earned her the title of Top Cookie CEO for the Girl Scouts, a rank reserved for girls who sell 1,000 or more packages of cookies.
However, in order to keep her title, Charlotte decided to boost sales by featuring shirtless photos of actor Jason Momoa on her boxes of Samoas.
Charlotte is now jokingly calling the caramel and coconut-covered cookies “Momoas.”
According to KUSA, Charlotte’s mother originally saw the photo online and the two got to work and printed them out and pasted them on her boxes.
“The moms are getting really excited, and they’re saying that they need them,” Charlotte told the station.
Charlotte even said that other girl scouts are asking for the cookies.
“Charlotte and her troop use their cookie earnings to give back locally – including donating the money to enable Colorado girls in need to afford to become Girl Scouts, as well as collecting thousands of school supplies for students in need,” a representative of the Girl Scouts of Colorado told Fox 13.
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