HARPURSVILLE, NY (WSVN) — They are both new moms, and both recently gave birth to precious baby boys. Both also are internet celebrities, whose livestreams went viral across the world. Finally, the two got the chance to meet in person.
Thousands watched and waited (and waited some more!) for April the giraffe to give birth at Animal Adventure Park in New York, which she finally did last weekend.
One of those watching was Erin Dietrich, who earned the nickname “giraffe mom” after she hilariously spoofed April with a livestream of her own while pregnant, pacing around her bedroom while wearing a giraffe mask.
Dietrich gave birth over a month before April, and kept the giraffe theme going even after giving birth, taking a picture with her newborn while wearing the mask.
Inside Edition flew Dietrich and her baby boy, Porter, to visit her giraffe counterpart, Fox 13 reports.
Dietrich met Animal Adventure Park owner Jordan Patch, and fed April lettuce and carrots before posing for pictures.
“We’re buddies; we’re companions,” Erin told Inside Edition. “She just doesn’t know it.”
Naturally, she had to pose for one of the pictures while donning the now-famous giraffe mask.
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