ONTARIO (AP/WSVN) — Giant chunks of ice spilled over the banks of the Niagara River across from Buffalo on Sunday, creating a jagged, frosty barrier between the river and a scenic road.
Dramatic footage captured by park police in Ontario showed the massive chunks roiling onto shore. High winds had raised water levels on the eastern end of Lake Erie in a phenomenon known as a seiche and then, according to the New York Power Authority, driven ice over a boom upstream from the river.
According to the National Weather Service, winds in that area were expected to reach up to 75 miles per hour — which are hurricane strength winds.
Ice mounds 25 to 30 feet (8 to 9 meters) high also came ashore farther south, piling up on several lakefront properties in suburban Hamburg.
According to Fox 5, residents dubbed the pile an “ice tusnami.”
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