KANSAS CITY, Missouri (KCTV) — A dog is getting a second chance at life after rescuers found her nearly frozen to death inside the garage of an abandoned home in Kansas City, Missouri.

Jolene, a 3-year-old Pit bull, got frozen to the bottom of a wire crate surrounded by frozen feces.

Her body was stiff and unresponsive. Her chances of survival did not look good.

Jolene was brought to KC Pet Project and the veterinary team dropped everything to begin the grueling process of trying to save her life.

They started by covering her with solar blankets and doing warm water medical treatments. Despite that, her temperature still wasn’t registering.

After several intense hours of doing all they could, it was up to her to keep fighting.

“When they came in the next morning, about 6 or 7 a.m., she was awake,” said Tori Fugate, KC Pet Project’s Chief Communications Officer. “Her eyes were open. Her tail was wagging. She was ready to go outside. Everybody was cheering her on.”

Jolene is now going home with one of her rescuers as she continues to heal and get healthy.

The Animal Services Division will be seeking charges of animal cruelty to the highest level in this case.

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