WASHINGTON (WSVN) — A George Washington University student has developed a new method of detecting date rape drugs left inside a drink.

According to Fox 5, Danya Sherman created the created the “KnoNap” napkin after she thought someone she believed to be a friend drugged and assaulted her in 2016.

The napkin can reportedly detect commonly-used date rape drugs by putting a drop of the liquid onto the napkin. A change in color indicates the presence of drugs in the drink.

“Seventy percent of sexual assaults occur between two people who know each other and with that in mind, we wanted to create a product that could be seamlessly incorporated into any social setting,” Sherman told Fox 5.

Sherman said the idea to use a napkin came from how versatile they are.

“Napkins are always around alcohol. They are always in bars and clubs and we’re working to have them integrated into fraternities, social events and social organizations,” Sherman said. “They’re also easy to carry around in either a pocket or purse so they’re very portable and can be taken anywhere so if you’re uncomfortable, you’re able to take it out and use it at your own discretion.”

Sherman said she hopes to officially launch KnoNap by the end of 2018.

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