A young boy in North Carolina reached out to three of the most powerful people he knew: President Trump, Ivanka Trump, and Santa Claus.

Eight-year-old Fore Putnam wrote the three letters before Christmas, asking for help to get his dad a new kidney. Trae Putnam was diagnosed with a rare blood disease three years ago that caused his kidneys to fail. He’s now on dialysis, and desperately needs a transplant.

So his son wrote the letters to plea for a kidney, “because that’s really the one important thing I really wanted for Christmas,” Fore said.

His Christmas wish didn’t happen, but the little boy became excited when he received a letter from the White House.

“Dear Fore, thank you for sharing your story with me. I’m so sorry to hear that your dad is going through a difficult time,” President Trump wrote. “I have shared your letter with my staff and they are working to see what help they can provide.”

Fore says he’s happy his letter reached the president.

“I was like, ‘I just got a letter from Donald Trump! That’s pretty cool!’” he said.

The family has been overwhelmed by calls from people across the country who want to donate their kidney to Trae. For information on how to donate, call Fore’s mom Sheila Sherrill at (828) 291-7735.

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