(WSVN) - Florida is the leader in a grim statistic. It’s one of the top states for children dying in hot cars. But new technology could stop these tragedies from happening. 7’s Rosh Lowe shows us how to protect your precious cargo.
It’s a tragedy happening way too often in Florida — a child dying in a hot car.
Capt. Ignatius Carroll, City of Miami Fire Rescue: “I know we’ve responded to numerous calls for children being left in a car, but one call is one too many.”
Families are left devastated.
While it’s hard to imagine forgetting a child, rescuers say these accidents happen when adults are distracted.
Capt. Ignatius Carroll: “People are texting, people are answering phone calls, doing emails.”
Technology may be a reason behind the child deaths, but it could also be the thing that saves them.
Meir Shemtov, creative director of Sharkk products: “When we get control over it and we create a product that could actually save our lives, that’s the ultimate use of goodness of technology.”
Meir Shemtov comes from a big family. He doesn’t have kids of his own, but the thought of anything happening to one of his nieces or nephews terrifies him.
Meir Shemtov: “I was talking to one of my relatives and she said it happened to her and thank God she remembered right away, but she could have not.”
His tech company developed Angel, a sensor that sounds off when a child has been left inside a hot car.
Angel fits in your child’s car seat and has a weight sensor which is linked to your cellphone.
Meir Shemtov: “We’re all becoming increasingly distracted and technology is a good thing, if used properly.”
Rosh Lowe: “I’m a busy parent. I park my car, grab my paperwork, groceries, cellphone … life is on my mind, but what if I forget the precious life in the backseat of my car, but this technology doesn’t forget! I get a lifesaving alert right here on my phone.
Meir Shemtov: “You forget that your baby’s in the car and you’re more than 10 feet away, your phone rings.”
And if you don’t answer, the device will call someone else.
Meir says he has helped develop dozens of products, but this one is special to him.
Meir Shemtov: “We decided that it’s time to do something that can actually save a life; that brings me personally a lot of happiness.”
And he hopes his product will bring happiness to others by protecting their precious cargo.
If you would like to learn more about the Angel device, go to the links below.
More Info on Angel:
Angel Device on Youtube:
City of Miami Fire-Rescue:
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