This isn't about wigs or sombreros, well maybe a little, but only if they come with cool looking shots. Oh yeah, they're also setting the bar on fire. What could possibly go wrong? I believe it was LMFAO who said it best at Shots Miami in Wynwood.David – "So, we specialize in shots."But not just your typical shots, they have a whooping 200 of them. David – "We have a menu of over 200 shots, but right now we are showcasing about 40 shots as we train the staff and we let the people come in and get to know our concept."Thank goodness for that, memorizing that many shots takes a real expert, but it looks like these guys are up for the challenge. Jason – "People love it. This is the first place in Miami that people are able to come to a bar like this. You know put on some crazy hats, put on crazy wigs, see the bartenders light the bar on fire, you know you can't get this anywhere else."Oh yeah, you heard that right lighting the bar on fire and giving people fun props is just a few of their crazy antics, David: We'll give you a sombrero for a Mexican shot or the Chipolte shot. We have the La Gringa shot, which includes a lollipop. They get to take the lollipop and eat it and we have all sorts of other props and funny gifts that they get to keep."Don't get too distracted by the props its the all the different shots that keep you coming back for example this hot little number.Jason – "You picked a good one cuz I get to light it on fire for you."With a little bit of vodka, coffee liquor, some creme de banana.Jason – "You'll wanna back up just a little bit."And a whole lot of fire meet the "Mono Macao"Check out the "Captain America" made for real fun superheros and if you want something girlierCheck this very pink, very cute, little shot. David – "La Grilla is half pink Nuvo with half aguardiente and a lollipop."And if all the partying's made you a little hungry, whadaya know? Theres a "Los Perros" truck nearby!David – "We have a partnership with Los Perros, which is a very famous fast food place, typically known to eat it after the parties, and they partnered up with us and they are always typically here with us on our busiest nights."Busy nights are full of people as diverse as the shots they take. David – "I think what attracts people is this is a new concept. This is something you don't see in the US, especially in Miami, and Miami is a party town." You can say that again and again where's my Excederin.