WSVN — He was home having fun with friends on a Saturday night, but the next morning Robert Taylor was found dead. That was three years ago, in 2012. As Patrick Fraser tells us on tonight’s Out for Justice, the case has gone cold, and Miami Gardens detectives are asking for your help to find his killer.
Robert Taylor was a Rastafarian. A true believer and follower.
Maxine Taylor, Robert’s sister: “Quiet, peaceful, humble. Kind, extremely kind.”
As a Rastafarian, Robert didn’t eat meat or fish, and made a living cooking vegetarian dishes at his Miami Gardens home.
Miami Gardens Police Detective Leroy Montgomery: “Mr. Taylor was self-employed. He was a chef, made and sold dinners out of his house.”
Then on Saturday, January 29th, Maxine went by her brother’s house to get some food he had cooked for her.
Maxine Taylor: “When I went there to pick up the dish, a lot of friends were there and they were playing a game we play called ‘ludy’ in Jamaica. It’s a board game.”
That night they left. The next morning, a neighbor saw smoke coming from Robert’s house.
Maxine Taylor: “When he looked inside, that’s when they saw the smoke. He said, ‘Mr. Taylor,’ and that’s when they called fire rescue, because they thought he was in there sleeping.”
Robert wasn’t sleeping. He was dead.
Maxine Taylor: “They stabbed him up and then attempted to burn the house down, I guess to hid the evidence.”
The house didn’t burn down, and some evidence from the killer was left behind.
Detective Montgomery: “At this particular point in time we do have evidence, but we want to be able to tie that evidence in to make the case.”
Sometimes, when someone is murdered, police have a list of people who might want them dead. Not with Robert Taylor.
Detective Montgomery: “Mr. Taylor was a well-liked individual. He had a good group of friends that he socialized with.”
But that night, when all his friends left, someone stayed behind or came later, killing Robert and trying to burn down his house.
Maxine Taylor: “It has to be somebody who he knew, because he doesn’t let anyone in his house after 10 o’clock.”
Somebody that he knew? Maybe. Somebody that got away with murdering a good man? Definitely.
Detective Montgomery: “We need the community to come forward. Somebody saw something; somebody knows something that could help us.”
Three years after the murder, it’s time for someone to have the courage to make a call to Crime Stoppers. Don’t be afraid of the killer. Be proud of what you did, even if you never tell anyone you made the call.
With this Out for Justice, I’m Patrick Fraser, 7News.
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