WASHINGTON (WSVN) — The White House plans to work on marijuana reform soon after the mid-term elections, according to a GOP lawmaker.
According to Fox Business, California Rep. Dana Rohrabacher said the Trump administration has made a “solid commitment” to fix marijuana regulation.
“I have been talking to people inside the White House who know and inside the president’s entourage… I have talked to them at length. I have been reassured that the president intends on keeping his campaign promise,” she said.
Rohrabacher told Fox Business that the president has spoken about legalizing medical marijuana on the federal level, while letting the states decide the rule on recreational use.
Recreational marijuana has been made legal in nine states, while medical marijuana is legal in 30 states, including Florida.
However, reforms on the federal level have not made much progress. But Rohrabacher says that may soon change.
“It could be as early as spring of 2019, but definitely in the next legislative session,” she said.
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