It’s the scandal that’s followed Hillary Clinton since she served as Secretary of State.
A personal email account, a private server and a big problem.
Clinton and her staff have been criticized over how they chose which emails to keep and which to turn over to the State Department.
Even after Clinton admitted her mistakes and apologized for her actions, there is still many unanswered questions.
“That was a mistake, and I take responsibility for using a personal email account. Obviously, if I were to do it over again, I would not,” Clinton said. “I’m not making any excuses. It was a mistake, and I’m very sorry about that.”
But that’s not all, Clinton sent and received classified information on the account, and it’s still not clear whether the account got hacked.
Clinton says she destroyed tens of thousands of personal emails only after an investigation by the FBI ended without charges.
“Even if information is not marked classified in an email, participants who know or should know that the subject matter is classified are still obligated to protect it,” FBI Director James Comey said.
Now, emails have surfaced during a house committee hearing on the U.S. Consulate attack in Benghazi, when Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans were killed in the siege on Sept. 11, 2012.
Republicans claim Clinton and President Obama misled the public when administration officials initially pointed to an inflammatory YouTube video as the reason behind the attack.
It later came out that Libyan Militia Leaders warned of increased threats against Americans just days before the attack, and the Obama administration and Clinton were accused of failing to protect U.S. personnel.
“While our guys were on the ground, taking gunfire and mortar attacks, Washington was moving at a snail’s place,” Alabama Representative Martha Robry.
Now, Wikileaks have leaked more private emails, creating more problems for the Clinton campaign.
The emails contained thousands of messages sent to and from Clinton Campaign Chair John Podesta, hacked then released by Wikileaks, revealing conversations between the campaign and the Department of Justice.
One email said, “DOJ folks inform me there’s a status hearing in this case this morning, so we could have a window into the judge’s thinking about this proposed production schedule as quickly as today.”
The message concerned a civil lawsuit about the release of Clinton’s State Department e-mails, which was sent from a Clinton staffer who previously worked for the Justice Department.
The Clinton Foundation has been under scrutiny for years, and the projects have ranged from child development to ending elephant poaching.
Many questions have been raised about how money raised merged with Clinton’s work as Secretary of State and her foundation.
The New York Times reported that a Canadian mining official with ties to a Russian company donated to the Clinton Foundation, and the sale of the company had to be approved by the State Department.
The foundation has also been accused of dodging disclosures, after promises of transparency.
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