WESTON, FLA. (WSVN) - - A Weston family who should have been celebrating the new year are now preparing a funeral after their father and husband was struck and killed by a vehicle that fled the scene on New Year’s day.
Now, these relatives are pleading for the driver who hit him to do the right thing and turn themselves in.
On Tuesday, Broward Sheriff’s Office officials met with the Mohr family, just two days after 50-year-old Christopher Mohr was fatally struck from behind while cycling in the bike lane on State Road 84, one mile east of the Indian Trace intersection, at around 7:40 a.m.
Investigators said the motorist then sped away.
BSO officers brought together evidence they collected from the scene of what they think are pieces of the vehicle responsible. BSO officials believe the pieces recovered are parts of the fender and the passenger-side windshield of an older, but no too old, white model car.
“[The car] should have passenger-side damage, mostly to the area of the front right headlight or the passenger-side headlight,” said BSO Detective Donnard Huneke, “possibly to the windshield and hood and possibly to the passenger-side mirror.”
According to BSO, a car at least partially fitting that description was discovered at a nearby shopping center on Monday. However, investigators believe the driver is still out there unidentified.
“We have found some inconsistencies with the crash scene,” added Huneke, “so, at this time, the suspect vehicle might be out there.”
Speaking from the family’s home on Monday, the victim’s widow, Robin Mohr, said her husband, an avid bicyclist, was riding a route he had taken often. “He was in the bike lane, riding where he’s ridden hundreds of times before,” she said.
But Christopher would never come home.
“I keep expecting my husband to walk through the door,” said the widow. “I keep hearing his voice, so it’s very surreal. I feel like everyone is coming for a party, and I have to keep remembering they’re coming for my husband’s funeral.”
Their son, Alex Mohr, although grieving, has accepted his newfound responsibility in the household.
“If you would have asked me three days ago how would you handle it if your father passed away, I wouldn’t really expect myself to be doing it like this,” said the son. “But I think it’s more that when I do get really sad, I kinda think, ‘My mom’s here and so is my sister.’ Now, I have to step up to the plate and be there for them. It’s more than just me.”
Mohr’s father had been biking semi-professionally his entire life.
Those who rode with victim have planned a memorial bike ride in his honor, late Tuesday evening, to commence sometime around 6:45 or 7 p.m.
Though police have recovered some clues, they still need help cracking the case.
“It needs to be brought to justice,” said their son. “I don’t know how you could do that.”
If you have any information on this hit-and-run, call Broward County Crime Stoppers at 954-493-TIPS. Remember, you can always remain anonymous, and you may be eligible for a $3,000 reward.
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