MIAMI (WSVN) - Surveillance video from the Miami MetroMover in September captured a man accused of battering a woman striking two additional victims on board the rail car.
The video, dated Sept. 4, shows a man, identified as Joshua James King, wearing a pink long-sleeve shirt striking one man, who was leaning against the window, as the doors closed.
He then moves on to the other man at the other end of the car, who was an innocent bystander, like the first victim.
The assailant, standing 6 feet, 2 inches tall, delivered a combination of punches and kicks to the man, the video shows. He then walked away from the second victim to wait for the next stop and for the doors to open.
As soon as the man leaves, the two victims look at each other in shock and fear, but the two men were not his only victims.
When asked if his goal was to kill her, victim Andrea Puerta said, “Yeah, he was planning to kill me. He didn’t have enough time to do it.”
Later that same night, the man would attack Puerta near the Fifth Street Station in Brickell, punching her several times and pushing her up against the side of the rail car.
“For him, I was the perfect victim. I am small,” she said. “I need to be in the doctor’s every day.”
Puerta was left with broken ribs, a swollen eye, bruises, a ripped ear and other injuries, along with the psychological and emotional trauma associated with the attack.
“My life changed 100%,” she said.
After the two separate beatings, police arrested King, who has been charged with two counts of felony battery and one misdemeanor battery charge.
King, who is from Tallahassee, has since posted bond and is out of jail under house arrest pending trial.
When asked if she had something to say to her alleged attacker, Puerta said, “You punched the wrong woman. He was planning that he was going to kill me, and everything is going to be fine, and it’s not like that. I need to make justice for me and for all the people.”
Puerta said she plans to file suit against the City of Miami, the MetroMover, the transit board and others.
She plans on following the trial and the case through every step of the process.
King is set to appear before a judge on Monday.
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