MIAMI BEACH, FLA. (WSVN) - The victims of a stabbing at a Miami Beach restaurant shared their wounds with 7News.
Miami Beach Police said surveillance video showed the suspect, Delunte Berch, attacking waiters with a box cutter at a South Beach restaurant, Sunday.
“I was the first one [to be attacked] actually,” said victim Giovanni, lifting his shirt to show a slash down his mid-section. “He just went into me. Like, first what he did, he cut me. He almost killed me because it’s really close to the heart.”
Another victim, who didn’t want to show his face, said his arm was slit while trying to guard himself from the attacker.
His wound lined with stitches, he said, “He was just like swaying around, like, he was swaying with the box cutter.”
The South Beach waiter said the situation could have taken a more severe turn.
“That’s why I’m pretty lucky to have my guard up because otherwise the next thing was my throat,” he said.
His jeans were soaked in blood following the attack. “I still bled, like, all the way down my arm.”
“Honestly, like, I’m pretty grateful to God that I’m still alive because this situation could have been pretty bad,” he said.
Video from Sunday evening at the Ocean Drive restaurant showed staff trying to subdue Berch.
“He was just slashing around, and he was laughing as he did so,” said the waiter.
Berch was arrested and charged with aggravated battery causing bodily harm with a deadly weapon, resisting arrest without violence and disorderly conduct.
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