SOUTHWEST MIAMI-DADE, FLA. (WSVN) - A veterinarian is asking for help after his pet Chihuahua was stolen from his animal clinic, Saturday, while he was working.
Dr. Juan Fernandez Bravo has worked at Bravo Animal Clinic for 15 years, but he said he’s never seen anything like this.
He brought his pet Chihuahua Benny to work with him, Saturday, and while he was busy working, someone took him from his kennel crate.
“The door was open because animals were being transported in and then this is the cage where Benny was at,” Bravo said.
Bravo said he still can’t believe someone stole his teacup Chihuahua.
“He’s just a part of our family,” Bravo said. “We’ve had him for four years now, since he was a little puppy. It’s humiliating. It’s painful.”
Bravo said about 20 pets and their owners were in the lobby, and they were working with 10 rescues when three people came in: two women and a man.
Two of them seemed like they were going to adopt, Bravo said. Before his staff realized what was going on, one of the women grabbed Benny and bolted.
“That’s the hard part — is he safe? Has he been abused? Has he been hit?” Bravo said. “We’re all scared for his safety.”
Miami-Dade Police has assigned the case to a detective, but Bravo said he can’t stand by and wait. He enlisted the help of a private investigator, Jamie Katz.
“‘Cause not only was it an animal that was taken out of an animal hospital, but it was an owner’s dog that was taken,” Katz said, as she posted flyers with the dog’s picture.
Katz said, unfortunately, pet thefts are common in South Florida. Over the last year-and-a-half, she’s worked 50 cases of stolen pets, but this one stands out.
“Did they know that this dog was here? That’s number one — did they know that? Or was it just a coincidence?” Katz said. “Was it just the first kennel?”
Either way, they just want Benny back.
They hope someone will point them in the right direction.
Katz and Bravo have posted 60 flyers and started a social media campaign to get the word out. They’re also offering a $1,500 reward.
“All we want is really to have our dog back,” Bravo said.
If you have any information on this crime, call Miami-Dade Crime Stoppers at 305-471-TIPS. Remember, you can always remain anonymous, and you may be eligible for a $1,000 reward.
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