MIAMI (WSVN) - Surveillance cameras were rolling while thieves broke into a work van and stole more than $3,000 in tools and equipment in Miami.

The pricey heist happened in front of the vehicle owner’s home on Northwest 40th Street, near 13th Avenue, Monday morning.

“When I saw the door open, I said, ‘Oh, my Lord. I wonder what happened,” the vehicle’s owner said.

The vehicle’s owner, who wanted to remain anonymous, showed 7News how the crook broke into the Ford van.

“Push it right inside there and mash it up,” he said.

In the video, the crook used a screwdriver to break into the back of the van and grabbed what he could carry.

“Pop the lock, you know?” said the owner, who has been working in construction and landscaping for more than 40 years.

The surveillance footage shows the thief carrying a leaf blower and drill kit and walking away.

However, less than a minute later, the video showed the crook returning with an accomplice.

“Then he came back with a friend,” said the owner.

The pair could be seen in the video grabbing more landscaping equipment, such as a lawn mower and other tools.

The owner said the stolen items are his livelihood, adding he has invested in new equipment and borrowed tools from friends so he can continue working.

“This is a new combo I bought yesterday, never used, and this is a new lawnmower,” he said.

The owner hopes someone will recognize the thieves and work with police to get them off the street.

“I believe in the Big Man above, and I know He can take care of it,” he said.

If you have any information on this burglary, call Miami-Dade Crime Stoppers at 305-471-TIPS. Remember, you can always remain anonymous, and you may be eligible for a $1,000 reward.

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