TAMPA, FLA. (WSVN) - Churches usually use their signs to post information about services and even to spread inspirational messages, but one Tampa church decided to warn wrongdoers: “Please know this is not a gun free zone.”
The Tampa Bay Times reported that Tampa Bay Church’s senior pastor Rodney Howard-Browne posted a message on his Instagram that reads in part:
“Please know this is not a gun free zone – we are heavily armed — any attempt will be dealt with deadly force – yes we are a church and we will protect our people”
The message, which was published on Nov. 7, was signed by “The Pastors.”
Associate pastor Allen Hawes said the sign was put up about a year ago. However, the sign made its rounds again, this time on social media.
Hawes told the Times, “It is a deterrent. Look at what is going on. In the past two months, look at what happened in Texas. Look at what happened in Las Vegas. Because we are a church that is on television, we are very involved in the community. We want people to know that this is a safe zone.”
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