DANIA BEACH, FLA. (WSVN) - Surveillance video captured a brazen bandit who stole a tip jar from a Dania Beach smoke shop.

Workers said he spent about 30 minutes in the store before he left, came back and made the greedy grab.

“He literally just darted in,” said store manager Victoria Vera.

The crook was seen on surveillance video sprinting into the store, snagging the jar and taking off like a puff of smoke.

“It was so quick,” said Vera.

The theft happened at the business along Sheridan Street and U.S. 1 at around 11:30 p.m., Monday.

“This was the first time he came in,” said Vera.

She said he spent about 30 minutes hanging out and talking to the employees.

Eventually, he left but returned an hour later.

“He came back, ran inside, took our tip jar and left,” said Vera.

In the video, one of the employees could be seen chasing after the thief, but when he got out the door, he quickly ducked into an alley next to the store, cut through a hole by the fence and got away.

“If you really have a good intent and you need money, sure. We can find something for you to do,” said Vera.

There was only about $20 in the tip jar, but Vera said it’s not about the money.

She said it’s the fact that she and other employees do what they can to try and help people who are struggling in the area.

“When a lot of people come in and ask us for money, we kind of offer them a job,” she said. “Do you want to take out the trash? Do you want to hold the sign out at the sidewalk for a little bit?”

Vera also said the man has caused trouble at other stores nearby.

Anyone who works in the area, Vera has a tip for you.

“Maybe be on the lookout,” she said. “Watch out.”

If you have any information on the thief’s identity, call Broward County Crime Stoppers at 954-493-TIPS. Remember, you can always remain anonymous, and you may be eligible for a reward of up to $5,000.

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