SWEETWATER, FLA. (WSVN) - With Christmas Day over and done with, shoppers made their annual journey back to the stores to return gifts that may be better off with someone else.

Traffic at Dolphin Mall was slower than normal yet full of customers making their respective returns, Wednesday.

According to the National Retail Federation’s December survey, 50 percent of consumers plan to hit the stores the day after Christmas for deals, with 17 percent there to make returns or exchanges.

“We’re returning stuff at Victoria Secret, and we’re going to Hollister, and it’s awesome because there’s nobody here, it’s empty: good timing,” said shopper Christine Pavlou.

However, not everyone at the mall was there to make returns. Many came to snag some after-Christmas deals with gift cards they received on Christmas.

“Not too bad. Not too many people, so you can kind of get in and out of stores pretty well, so it’s good,” said Bobi Newton, who was visiting the mall looking for deals.

“I wanna get some shopping done because everything is expensive in Europe,” shopper Lenny Juarbe said.

“50, 75 [percent] off, it’s always a lot of fun,” another shopper added. “What more could you want?”

Shoppers at the mall told 7News their experience was a breeze and navigating has been seamless.

“I thought it would be a lot of people returning stuff, but I was pleasantly surprised at how easy it is to get around,” Juarbe said.

Others who were on vacation stopped by the mall to pass the time.

At Aventura Mall, the same sentiments echoed.

“It was a good day to return things,” a shopper said. “Everyone was really helpful.”

Meanwhile at Sawgrass Mills, shoppers saw their share of post-holiday traffic, but those hitting the stores were not complaining.

“Definitely very quick,” Jenny De Garerro said. “They go fast, and it’s crowded. Definitely the mall is full. It’s packed.”

“I spent a little something, you know,” shopper Gavin Charles said. “Still got a little something left. It ain’t nothing too major, know what I’m saying?”

Keep in mind, if you plan to make a return, bring the receipt or the gift receipt for the purchase.

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