TAMARAC, FLA. (WSVN) - Lockdowns at schools in Tamarac and Sunrise have been lifted after reports of a subject who may have been armed in the area.

The Broward Sheriff’s Office first put Millennium Middle School and Challenger Elementary on lockdown.

BSO deputies spent hours searching Millennium’s campus and found an airsoft gun.

A juvenile was later detained for questioning.

During the search Sunrise Police also tweeted that the following schools were locked down:

  • Discovery Elementary School
  • Westpine Middle School
  • Banyan Elementary School
  • Village Elementary School
  • Franklin Academy Charter School

Officials said a student reported a suspicious person near one of the buildings near one of the schools.

The lockdowns left parents and students frightened.

Melissa Ramirez, a parent with a child inside one of the schools, said she made brief contact with her son.

“The last text I got was that he’s hiding in the classroom,” said Ramirez. “That was probably 11:09 a.m. – that he’s OK, and he’s a little scared. I’ve been texting him so far, and I cannot get a hold of him.”

It is unknown if the juvenile detained is a student at the school.

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