FORT LAUDERDALE, FLA. (WSVN) - Police are searching for a man wanted for raping a woman in front of a Fort Lauderdale apartment complex.
According to Fort Lauderdale Police, the incident took place on Thursday, at about 1:30 a.m., near the 2600 block of Middle River Drive.
Police said the victim was walking when she was approached by the subject. The man then tackled the victim and sexually battered her on the front lawn of the apartment complex, next to the road, and then fled in an unknown direction.
“This man forcefully took a victim and sexually battered her against her will, and we need to ID him and to stop him from ever doing this again,” said Tracey Figone of Fort Lauderdale Police.
News of the attack shocked residents who live nearby. “I live across the street, but I didn’t hear about it, but that’s terrifying — it’s scary,” said Kim Oriat.
“[I] can’t believe it. Now, even in here, it’s not secure,” said Francesca Sanchez who works nearby. “The world is upside down.”
The area is a quiet one, just south of the Coral Ridge Bay View area. “I wouldn’t walk out here at night,” said Susan Taylor who lives nearby. “That’s terrible. No matter how nice the area, I still, I’d be leery of walking around.”
The subject is described as a white male in his early to mid 40s. He is believed to stand between 5 feet and 11 inches to 6 feet in height, with a large build. He is also reported to have a tattoo on his lower right leg, possibly with an Asian theme.
“We are asking that the community and anyone who may have seen or heard anything, help us identify this man,” said Figone.
If you have any information on this sexual battery, call Broward County Crime Stoppers at 954-493-TIPS. Remember, you can always remain anonymous, and you may be eligible for a $3,000 reward.
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