MIAMI BEACH, FLA. (WSVN) - Police are searching for a hit-and-run driver who struck a woman in her 60s, sending her airborne, while she was crossing the street in Miami Beach.

Surveillance video showed a 2019 Mercedes-Benz sedan driving south on Collins Avenue just after 9 p.m., Saturday.

A woman then tried to cross the street, but the car would strike her before she could make it to the other side. She flew into the air from the resulting impact before hitting the pavement.

“What’s most alarming in this case is the vehicle doesn’t stop to render aid, doesn’t stop to call police,” Miami Beach Police spokesperson Ernesto Rodriguez said.

The hit-and-run happened near the Fontainebleau Hotel, and instead of stopping, the driver of the Mercedes continued on Collins Avenue heading towards South Beach before making a U-turn and heading north.

The woman who was hit has not yet been identified by police. She has already undergone multiple surgeries at Jackson Memorial Hospital and is said to be in critical condition.

“Our detectives have made some progress on this investigation, but we’re still looking to locate this vehicle,” Rodriguez said.

Miami Beach Police said the 2019 Mercedes-Benz sedan is white, has tinted windows and a sunroof. Its license plate is NQH C83. Police are asking anyone who spots the car or knows the driver to come forward with information.

“Please contact Miami-Dade Crime stoppers to give some sort of closure and some sort of justice to this victim, again struggling, fighting for her life at Jackson Memorial Hospital as we speak,” Rodriguez said.

If you have any information on this hit-and-run, call Miami-Dade Crime Stoppers at 305-471-TIPS. Remember, you can always remain anonymous, and you may be eligible for a $1,000 reward.

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