TAMARAC, FLA. (WSVN) - Deputies are searching for a man who snatched a necklace from an elderly woman’s neck in Tamarac.

Sandy and her partner Ron Bo were picking up take out from a pizza restaurant along Northwest 57th Street, near Commercial Boulevard when the robbery happened.

Bo said he was in the car and Sandy just came back when the thief grabbed her necklace.

She told authorities she was sitting in a car when the thief tapped on her window. As she rolled the window down, the man reached in and grabbed the necklace.

“I’m putting the window up, and he’s now reaching his hands in the window, grabbing at her neck,” Bo said.

Bo told 7News it happened very quickly.

“He was in, his hand was [on the door], he’s right handed, and he was in,” Bo said as he made a grabbing motion through the car window. “[He] was pulling at the chain, she was fighting him, I was fighting him from the other seat. I was strapped in, I was trying to swat him away.”

Sandy fought back, but the thief managed to grab the gold charm and run away.

Bo said he got a good look at the man behind this.

“If we get close to this guy, I can identify him,” Bo said. “He got us at probably the most vulnerable time. And why I’m upset, he got a little chain and we move on. My other half wants to move on, we want to enjoy life. We’re retired, we made it. This man is gonna do it again. He’s going to do it again.”

Deputies have released a sketch of the person they are looking for.

If you have any information on this robbery, call Broward County Crime Stoppers at 954-493-TIPS. Remember, you can always remain anonymous, and you may be eligible for a $3,000 reward.

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