WEST MIAMI, Fla. (WSVN) – Police have arrested a man who, they said, impersonated a police officer while pulling over a tow truck driver in West Miami.
Alfredo Egued said one of his drivers was pulled over and questioned at the intersection of Southwest 67th Avenue and Coral Way just before 8 p.m., Monday.
“One of my drivers calls me [and says] that a car had got in front of him, stopped him and got out with a police badge,” Egued said. “He stopped him because he said that my driver was turning to the left lane and almost hit him.”
Once Egued arrived where his driver was pulled over, he said he felt as though something was not right because the man was not in a police car and was not wearing a uniform.
“First of all, it’s stupid, or they use it for something to scare people — one of the two,” Egued said.
Soon after, Egued found two nearby police officers and told them what was happening. He said that was the moment they discovered the man who pulled over his driver was impersonating an officer.
Cristian Caridad was arrested on the spot and has since made his first court appearance.
Police said he also had a badge.
“You were arrested for falsely impersonating an officer,” Judge Mindy Glazer said in bond court. “I’m concerned about him appearing in court when he’s holding himself out to be a law enforcement officer, and he’s not.”
Egued said he will now double check that an officer — not an impersonator — has pulled him or his drivers over.
“Just call 911,” Egued said. “They will tell you if it’s a real cop or not.”
Caridad was granted $5,000 bond and remains behind bars.
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