PLANTATION, FLA. (WSVN) - For one South Florida family, their enthusiasm about President Donald Trump’s inauguration spilled over into their backyard, where they spray-painted the commander in chief’s last name in big block letters.

For the Cooks, Friday felt like a national holiday. “It’s Trump Day!” Glen Cook and his daughter yelled out, much like the camel in Geico’s “Hump Day” commercials.

Inside their Plantation home, the Cooks cooked up a feast to celebrate the presidential inauguration. “So we thought we would do it right,” said Glen.

And doing it right meant doing something so big, it could be seen from above their home.

It also meant spelling victory “T-R-U-M-P.” Glen mowed the grass in his backyard lawn in the shape of the Trump letters, then used white spray-paint to finish off the salute.

“It was like. ‘Yeah, you should do it. Why not?'” said Katie Cook.

But the backyard sign was just a part of an all-day celebration. The Cooks gathered in front of the TV, and even the elder family members, seen wearing red “Make America Great Again” baseball caps and red polo shorts, dressed up for the occasion.


Ortud Koegler beamed at the flat-screen as Trump was sworn in as the nation’s 45th president. “My dream came true,” she said. “We look forward to a great country, and I’m sure he will keep his promise.”

After the oath was over, it was time for the party can begin. “We can do selfies with him,” said one family member as she referred to the life-size Trump standup next to the TV.

It was a family soiree worthy of a national leader. “It kind of builds up, and we have a lot of friends who are very passionate about it, so it kind of just seemed like the right thing to do,” said Glen.

The Cooks said they sent a tweet to Trump to tell them about their shindig. The president has not replied.

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