WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) — A Florida couple is facing felony charges after deputies say their 1-year-old girl nearly died from a heroin overdose.
Palm Beach County sheriff’s investigators say 38-year-old Charlie Hagan and 49-year-old Joseph Critelli are charged with child neglect.
The Palm Beach Post reports Tuesday the couple was arrested last week, two months after the overdose. The baby had been taken to the hospital in July and saved with a heroin antidote. Deputies say Hagan told them she had nearly died of an overdose a week earlier.
A relative had asked a judge for custody of the child two days after Hagen’s overdose but was denied. The state now has given custody to a relative.
Critelli and Hagen have been released on $3,000 bond each. Records don’t show if they have attorneys.
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