NORTH MIAMI-DADE, FLA. (WSVN) - The teenager suspected of shooting and killing a South Florida high school athlete while playing with a gun faced a judge, as police released surveillance video showing the immediate aftermath of the incident.

A hearing was held Thursday morning in juvenile court for Darrell Hobley, the 15-year-old boy accused of pulling the trigger while playing with a gun, which killed 17-year-old Mekhi Stevenson.

Miami-Dade Circuit Judge Michelle Alvarez Barakat addressed the suspect’s parents about their son’s charges.

“I recognize the age of your son. However, these are very serious charges, as they do involve a firearm,” she said.

The most serious charge Hobley faces is manslaughter.

Stevenson was killed on Tuesday inside his home in North Miami-Dade.

According to police, the teens were at a home on Sierra Drive playing with a gun when one of the teens pulled out a gun. He told the group it was not loaded.

The arrest report states the teen “continued to wave the firearm recklessly in different directions. He pointed the firearm at the victim and intentionally pulled the trigger.”

Newly released surveillance video captured the sound of a single gunshot.

Police said Stevenson was shot in the chest.

His brother went running for help.

“Person shot. The complainant advised that it was an accident. The complainant hung up,” said a dispatcher. “Last seen wearing all black clothing. One should have a backpack enclosed with a firearm.”

The security footage later showed the other teens leaving the home just after the shooting.

Police took Hobley into custody on Wednesday.

His parents told the judge that their son has never been in trouble with the law.

“The child is only 15 years old, has never been in trouble before with the law, has never encountered the police,” said Hobley’s attorney.

But the teen will remain locked up for the time being.

“It is appropriate for your son to remain in secure detention, as I do have grave concerns for his safety and the safety of the community,” said Alvarez Barakat.

Hobley is due back in court on Dec. 20.

Stevenson’s family is set to host a candlelight memorial at Sierra Park beginning at 6:30 p.m. on Friday.

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