MIAMI BEACH, FLA. (WSVN) - A man who was injured while riding his scooter in Miami Beach wants the driver who, police said, rammed into him and kept on going to be caught, as police search for the motorist responsible.

Speaking with 7News on Wednesday near the scene of the crash in Miami Beach, Ali Maghfar said the details from last week’s fiery crash remain hazy.

“I don’t remember nothing. All I remember, like, a car hits me from the back,” he said.

Investigators call the collision a hit-and-run and although the accident happened over a week ago, on Thursday a mark on the ground where the accident occurred was still visible.

Maghfar described the injuries he suffered to 7News.

“There’s a fracture in the face, somewhere in here. I think it is around here,” he said as he pointed at his cheekbone. “A concussion, bleeding in the spleen.”

But the victim, who was recently released from Jackson Memorial Hospital, said he considers himself fortunate to be alive.

“Even the doctor told me, ‘You’re lucky,'” he said.

Maghfar said he was working as an Uber Eats driver when he was hit on the intersection of 16th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, July 31.

The victim said he’s on the mend, but far from fine.

“I still feel headaches and, like, ringing [in my ears],” he said.

Before first responders rushed to Maghfar and his flaming scooter, it was a typically busy news night.

A 7News crew member was working on a story about a separate South Beach crime when they heard sirens. That’s when photojournalist Andrew Reid turned around and started sprinting toward the fire.

The 7News crew ended up where the crash happened and recorded video of Miami Beach Fire Rescue crews putting out flames.

“I wake up, I see the ambulance,” said Maghfar.

Meanwhile, paramedics worked on Maghfar before transporting him to Ryder Trauma Center for treatment.

According to Miami Beach Police, the driver involved blew a stop sign, crashed into the victim and sped off, leaving an injured man behind and a burning scooter that wound up a charred chunk of scrap metal.

Maghfar said he initially set out for work near Lincoln Road.

“Usually I take this route,” he said.

But on that night, this central spot became a hot spot for crime.

“If anyone knows any information, please let me know, because this guy, he might do it again, you know,” said Maghfar. “If he ran away with it, he can do it again.”

Witnesses said the subject was behind the wheel of a red BMW.

If you have any information on this hit-and-run or the driver’s whereabouts, call Miami-Dade Crime Stoppers at 305-471-TIPS. Remember, you can always remain anonymous, and you may be eligible for a reward of up to $5,000.

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