MIAMI (WSVN) - Police are investigating a murder-suicide near an apartment building in Miami’s Brickell section after, they said, the bodies of a man and a woman were found lying on a sidewalk.
7News cameras captured an active scene outside the SOMA at Brickell Apartments, along Southwest 13th Street, near First Avenue, late Wednesday night.
“I am in shock,” said Richard Hernandez, a resident.
City of Miami Police and Fire Rescue units responded to a call of two people shot, officials said.
They have since confirmed the incident was a murder-suicide.
“When I walked up here, you could see the body bag right here, people crying, talking to the police. It was just crazy,” said Eileen Gelpi, a resident.
Officers arrived to find the two bodies, a man and woman, on the sidewalk.
Police told 7News the woman was Dumuta Szerika, and she had traveled to Miami with her teenage son to stay with her adult daughter. They were fleeing from a man, who police identified as Coclea Gheorghe Cristian, with whom she had previously been in a romantic relationship with.
According to police, he had followed her to Miami in an attempt to rekindle the relationship. Szerika refused, which led Cristian to shoot her. He then turned the gun on himself.
7News spoke to residents of the complex and described what they heard. Some said they remember hearing two people arguing before hearing gunshots.
“We were walking and didn’t see anything but heard a pop, then scream and another pop shortly after,” said Matt Whelan, a resident.
“I heard two gunshots, and I waited a little while, and I heard somebody crying,” said Heranadez, “and I opened my balcony, and I saw the lady and guy lying down on the floor, and two little kids crying.”
Multiple people also told 7News the shooting had occurred in front of children.
“It had to be terrible, definitely tragic for the kids around here,” said Nico.
As officers investigated, they blocked off the area, although they said, it appears to have been an isolated incident.
Residents said it’s unnerving.
“You think you’re living in a safe area, seemed unexpected for sure,” said Blair Seiberlich, a resident.
I am still in shock. I’ve never seen somebody like that. I’m really sad about the children because they saw everything,” said Hernandez.
Detectives have not provided further details, as they continue to investigate.
Authorities have not confirmed if, in fact, the shooting had occurred in front of children.
Officers told 7News that there wasn’t a history of domestic violence for the couple. However, they are still looking into the couple’s history.
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