MIAMI BEACH, FLA. (WSVN) - A Miami Beach Police officer has been reprimanded by the department after he was captured on cellphone video pointing a rifle over his head and into an apartment with two people inside during a tense takedown that led to the pair’s arrest.

According to Miami Beach Police, it all started when units responded to an apartment building along the 1500 block of Drexel Avenue in response to a physical altercation involving an armed man, just before 10:15 a.m. Tuesday.

Investigators said Clinton Adams held up the building’s landlord, Robert Mendez, with a rifle and threatened to shoot him.

When asked if he was afraid for his life, Mendez replied, “Of course, yeah.”

Mendez said he was able to run off and call 911.

Moments later, police responded to the scene.

Cellphone video recorded by a neighbor captured the moment the armed suspect was taken into custody on his balcony.

“Why are you arresting me?” Adams is heard saying in the video.

“Put your hands behind your back!” an officer is heard saying.

The neighbor said he was with his girlfriend inside his apartment when officers’ attempts to apprehend Adams spilled over into his balcony.

The footage then showed an officer pointing a long rifle directly at the neighbor’s unit.

“Like, is this really happening? I just had guns pointed at me,” said the neighbor, who asked not to be identified.

“It was really scary,” said his girlfriend.

Detectives said Adams and his girlfriend, Saida Bey refused to comply with demands to come downstairs and wound up backing up inside another person’s apartment, where they were taken into custody and later taken to jail.

During that takedown, an officer wearing a helmet appeared to hold his rifle sideways and above his head.

Because of this, a police source said, he has been stripped of his rifle privileges and will require training.

In a statement, Miami Beach Police spokesperson Ernesto Rodriguez wrote, “The circumstances surrounding the incident are being reviewed as it pertains to firearm tactics. Once complete, the necessary training will be provided.”

Investigators said officers recovered a .22 rifle during the arrest.

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