MIAMI (WSVN) - A concerned mother is demanding justice and calling for an end to gun violence one day after, police said, her 9-year-old son and his father were shot in a Miami neighborhood.
Reynold Antrovis continues to fight for his life at Jackson Memorial Hospital after, police said, he was injured while sitting in a car, early Saturday morning.
His mother, Shavonne Newbold, spoke to 7News over the phone on Sunday.
“I have five kids, and this is my baby,” she said.
7News cameras captured bullet casings at the scene of the shooting near Northwest 44th Street and 17th Avenue.
Newbold said at least two bullets struck her son.
“I don’t know if it was a drive-by, or they were hanging somewhere and guys started shooting. I just know my son was shot in the stomach and in the head,” she said.
Both victims were driven to Ryder Trauma Center. As of Monday evening, Antrovis is listed in critical but stable condition. The father’s condition is unknown.
“He’s fighting. He’s been real strong,” said Newbold.
Newbold said gun violence is out of control.
“It needs to stop. It’s multiple kids that got shot behind people shooting in crowds, people shooting at parties, and it’s like they don’t care,” she said.
Miami Police Chief Art Acevedo expressed his frustrations about the gun violence that sent a boy and his father to the hospital.
“If you know something, and you’re withholding that information, you’re a part of the problem,” said Miami Police Officer Kiara Delva. “You need to contact the police department and provide us with this information.”
Newdold said the shooting took place a few weeks shy of Antrovis’ 10th birthday in September. She said her son wasn’t even supposed to be in Miami.
Now, instead of planning a party, the boy’s loved ones hope for the best and plan for the worst.
“Your kids can’t even go outside and play. You gotta keep your kids locked up and sheltered like, come on, like they’re animals or something,” said Newbold.
To make matters worse, Newbold said, she’s in town to attend the funeral of a family member, so the last place she thought she’d find herself in is the hospital with her son.
If you have any information on this shooting, call Miami-Dade Crime Stoppers at 305-471-TIPS. Remember, you can always remain anonymous, and you may be eligible for a reward of up to $5,000.
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