AVENTURA, FLA. (WSVN) - - A humanitarian relief drive is up and running at Aventura Mall to send help to those affected by the California wildfires.

Mobile Mike Public Relations teamed up with 20 law enforcement agencies to collect desperately-needed items.

“So many people have lost their houses, they’ve lost their cars, they’ve lost their animals, they’ve lost everything that they have and what we need to do is pitch in. There’s just not enough help on the way and whether it’s the government or private sector, there’s just so many people, so widespread that desperately need our help,” said Mike Mobil.

As of Tuesday, intense winds were still stoking the flames in California.

The fires have killed 27 people and burned over 40,000 acres.

For those who want to help with donations, the group will be in Aventura Mall until Wednesday.

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