MIAMI (WSVN) - In a vibrant revival, the iconic “Big Orange” is set to reclaim its place in the Miami skyline after a three-year absence.
Crews were hard at work Thursday afternoon, installing the famed symbol in downtown Miami in preparation for a dazzling New Year’s Eve celebration.
The South Florida rendition of New York’s famous New Year’s ball, the “Big Orange,” took a hiatus due to the pandemic, but this year, it has received the green light to shine once again.
“It’s amazing because we’ve been wanting to do it, but all kinds of obstacles, Covid, and we had a lot of different things happen at the same time,” shared Steve “Mr. Neon” Carpenter. “Every year we think we’re gonna do it, and then something happens, and we’re so happy that we got a green light to put it up, so it’s fabulous.”
Come New Year’s Eve, the Big Orange will ascend to the top of the Intercontinental Miami, marking the beginning of 2024 in true South Florida style.
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