(WSVN) - As the holiday shopping season draws near, officers are out to make sure it’s a safe one.

We know criminals are opportunists, and this is their time of year, but the Miami-Dade Police Department says, not this year.

It’s that’s time of year; shopping, giving and … stealing.

But now, more than ever, police in South Florida are on foot, on bikes and in patrol cars protecting shoppers against any Grinch looking to commit a crime.

“What I look for during the holiday season is anything suspicious,” said Miami-Dade Police officer Andres Delgado.

Delgado warns shoppers to put packages in the trunk, always lock the door, and…

“Once you’re done shopping for the day, you shouldn’t make any additional stops in case someone follows you for whatever reason,” Delgado said.

If you’re shopping at night…

“Look for well-lit areas of the parking lot. Always go to the mall with a friend or family member. Always try to travel in twos,” he said.

Officer Delgado said, often, at the end of a busy shopping day, some women are carrying so much, their purse ends up hanging dangerously low.

“This female here is actually a perfect example of how you should carry a purse, close to the body. There’s no chance someone can snatch that purse out of her possession,” Delgado said.

Police said there will be more uniformed and non-uniformed officers out there this holiday season, letting criminals know they’re being watched.

“The best part about police activity is vigilance, to show our beautiful marked green and white vehicles giving a sense of security to the community and letting criminals know that we’re out here,” Delgado said.

Another tip from police: stay alert when walking back to your car. save scrolling on your phone and text messages for when you’re parked safely in your vehicle.

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