NORTHWEST MIAMI-DADE, FLA. (WSVN) - Miami-Dade Fire Rescue were dispatched to the scene of a police-involved crash in Northwest Miami-Dade.

The incident happened after 6:30a.m. Wednesday at Northwest 95th Street and 29th Avenue.

It appears a red car crashed directly into the driver’s side of a Miami-Dade Schools police cruiser, pinning the cruiser against a fence.

The red car sustained front-end damage.

The vehicles came to a stop shortly before going into the side of someone’s yard.

Another silver car was also seen inches away from the red car and the cruiser. It’s unclear if that vehicle is involved.

Paramedics arrived at the scene and all of the parties involved were assessed and treated at the crash site.

First responders say no one was seriously hurt.

The roads in the area are closed as this is an active scene.

The cause of the crash remains under investigation.

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