MIAMI BEACH, FLA. (WSVN) - A stranger said he felt compelled to right a wrong after a thief stole all the money in a Miami Beach restaurant’s tip jar.
Adrian Gonzalez, the owner of David’s Cafe Cafecito along Alton Road and Ninth Street, described the April 14 theft.
“This guy walked up to the window, asked my server for a glass of water, and as she went to go get a glass of water, he basically stuck his hand inside the tip jar and stole $80 worth of her tips,” he said.
On April 15, 7News ran the story about the theft.
“I feel very disgusted and repulsed by the fact that this guy would have come to a random server putting herself in the line of fire,” said Gonzalez.
What the staff at Cafecito were not expecting is for a stranger to step up during this difficult time.
“He walked into my back of the kitchen, and I’m, ‘What are you doing here?’ and the guy goes like, ‘Ah! I’ve got to see this waitress. I’m so excited! I want to give her $300!'” said Gonzalez. “I’m like, “OK, she’s in the front, no problem. Come on.'”
Gonzalez said the waste collection worker who watched the story on 7News felt compelled to do something about it. Days later, he did just that.
“He said God has blessed him in many ways, and he’s come to bring one of God’s blessings to the server and showed up with $300 in cash,” he said.
For Gonzalez and his server the generous gesture gave them a feeling of gratitude that not even the best cup of Cuban coffee could compare to.
“She was completely in shock, completely flustered. She turned red,” said Gonzalez. “That’s $300 worth of groceries. That’s probably two to three weeks of food for her and her family, easy.”
Gonzalez has since replaced the old glass tip jar with one made of metal that requires a key to open.
The staff at Cafecito also said they bear no ill feelings toward the thief. They hope he receives a raise at his job because he deserves good things to come his way as well.
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