MIAMI (WSVN) - One of Miami’s highest-ranking Black female officers is claiming she was demoted and harassed because she’s a Black woman, and now, she’s taking her complaints to federal court.

“We don’t want the community to feel like they can’t sit outside without being struck by gun violence,” Keandra Simmons said.

Simmons was on the job years ago as a public information officer for the Miami Police Department. She would then go on to become a high ranking officer. But, 16 years into her service, the major claimed she became a major target because of her gender and race.

“It’s really, really sad that targeting females and targeting people of color still goes on,” said Michael Pizzi, Simmons’ attorney.

Pizzi is representing Simmons and has filed a civil lawsuit in federal court on her behalf, naming the City of Miami and a former fellow police officer.

The 16-page suit was filed Monday and alleges the city allowed discrimination and harassment within the police department.

A controversial figure, who has had his share of trouble on the force, former police captain and former president of the Miami Police Union Javier Ortiz, is the one accused of doing the harassing.​​

“Ortiz engaged in a reign of terror against Keandra Simmons and other females and minorities,” Pizzi said.

The lawsuit states Ortiz “engaged in a relentless pattern of slandering Simmons by falsely accusing her of being corrupt and of engaging in illegal behavior,” and by allegedly letting that go on in the city “humiliated the plaintiff and created a hostile work environment.”

Not only that. The lawsuit claims she was unjustly demoted, and the City of Miami “promoted and provided better treatment to male officers, white officers, and non-African American female employees.”

The bulk of the allegations happened on the watch of a former chief, but he isn’t named as a defendant.

Simmons has since returned to her rank of major, and Ortiz was fired in September. Even so, Simmons is seeking more than $1 million in damages.

“Racism and sexism is alive and well, but people like Keandra Simmons are fighting it,” Pizzi said.

7News has reached out to the city attorney and Ortiz, but we have not received a response.

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