OPA-LOCKA, FLA. (WSVN) - A 12-year-old girl who was rushed to the hospital after she was shot at a park in Opa-Locka is back home recovering and is opening up about the frightening ordeal.
Speaking with 7News on Monday. Makaylah Rolle described the chilling moments when she saw a man open fire as she played with friends, Thursday night.
“When I see him shooting, I started running,” she said. “‘Pop, pop, pop.'”
The incident took place near her aunt’s house, along the 13000 block of Aswan Road, just before 7 p.m.
According to Opa-Locka Police, two groups fought, and guns were pulled and fired, striking Rolle.
“I tried to get up and kept falling, and I tried to get up, and I kept falling,” she said. “I looked at my leg, and they were telling me that I was shot.”
Paramedics transported Rolle to Jackson Memorial Hospital.
“I was scared. I thought I was gonna lose my life,” she said. “The bullet shattered in my leg.”
Back at her mother’s house, Rolle and her family said those bullet fragments remain lodged in her leg.
But her doctors said the 12-year-old will recover.
Rolle has love and care on her side.
“I hugged her like so hard,” said Sanai Rozier, her 9-year-old cousin.
Rolle and Rozier are close, and since her cousin has been home from the hospital, Rozier said she’s her caretaker.
“I’m like her little nurse,” she said. “I put blankets on her, I cook her food.”
Rolle’s recovery is underway, and with the use of a walker, rehab and physical therapy are her next step.
Meanwhile, detectives continue to work to find the person who could have ended a girl’s life.
“Stop the violence. I could’ve lost my cousin,” said Rozier. “Just stop the violence. It’s not good at all.”
Rolle’s family has created a GoFundMe page to help her mother with medical bills and missed days at work due to caring for her injured daughter. If you would like to make a donation, click here.
If you have any information on this shooting, call Opa-Locka Police or Miami-Dade Crime Stoppers at 305-471-TIPS. Remember, you can always remain anonymous, and you may be eligible for a reward of up to $5,000.
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