SOUTH MIAMI-DADE, FLA. (WSVN) - There was a happy ending to the “tail” of a German shepherd puppy who was abandoned outside of South Miami-Dade home.
Speaking with 7News on Wednesday, homeowner Jennifer Thompson said she was disgusted after realzing the puppy had been deserted outside her home.
“It’s really cruel what they did,” she said.
The female puppy was dumped and left tied to Thompson’s fence with a 3-inch leash.
Since 7News first aired her story on Wednesday evening, the station was swamped with calls offering to adopt the young dog.
It did not take long. On Thursday, Sky headed to her new home.
The puppy’s new owner is an elementary school teacher from Stuart. 7News has learned it was love at first sight between the two.
It’s a happy outcome for a cruel crime that was all caught on surveillance video.
The security footage captured a white pickup truck driving past Thompson’s home along the 16000 block of Southwest 256th Street, just after 6 p.m., Tuesday.
The driver appeared to look up the driveway as they drove past.
Several minutes later, the truck returned, and a man in a blue shirt got out and popped the tailgate,
Sky was let off the truck bed, but as the truck took off, the canine chased after it, but at some point, just past the hedges, someone got out of the vehicle and tied the dog to the fence.
“I can’t believe what people would do,” said Thompson.
Sky’s new owner said she took her to the veterinarian to make sure the puppy is healthy and receives the care she needs.
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