NORTHEAST MIAMI-DADE, FLA. (WSVN) - Good hygiene is key in the fight against the coronavirus, but the things people need to do that, such as hand sanitizers and antibacterial wipes, have run severely low in many stores across South Florida.

“They’re actually buying up all the hand sanitizers, all the antibacterial soaps,” said shopper Keisha Dollard.

From Pompano Beach to Miami and many stores in between, shelves that are usually stocked are now completely empty.

“There’s nothing in the stores,” said Dollard.

It’s a sight South Florida is used to seeing during hurricane season, but many are now preparing for a different threat: COVID-19, better known as the coronavirus.

“Washing my hands, using hand sanitizer, all that stuff,” said a shopper.

Employees said they can’t keep things like hand sanitizer, antibacterial sprays and wipes in stock. The demand soared, they said, as more cases pop up across Florida.

“Basic things, first of all. Common sense. Keep your hands clean,” said Dollard.

There were slim pickings Wednesday at the Walmart neighborhood market in Pompano Beach. Some customers are going back to the basics.

“I guess bleach and water to clean up with because they’re taking all the stuff,” said Dollard.

There was nothing left at the Coral Ridge Target in Fort Lauderdale, either. It seems no matter what store you go to, demand is higher than supply.

The same goes for the Walmart in Miami Gardens. No hand sanitizer, no wipes and no word on when the shelves would be replenished.

But a few blocks away, there’s a reassuring sight at Publix. Cleaning supplies, including disinfectant sprays and wipes filled all the shelves.

Companies like Lysol and Clorox have said they are increasing production in hopes of meeting the countrywide demand. Meanwhile, South Florida is preparing to hunt down these supplies as they try to protect themselves from the coronavirus.

“You gotta keep your hands sanitized, wash everything. That’s it,” said another shopper.

“Just be as clean and healthy as you can, like you’d normally do,” said shopper Brandon Sanders.

While stores are waiting for extra supplies of cleaning and sanitation products, some stores are enforcing a one item per customer policy.

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