MIAMI (WSVN) - From sparkles and feathers to tailored suits and shoes, these high school seniors have a lot of options to choose from for prom and it’s all free of charge for them.

A Miami-Dade Schools Superintendent Jose Dotres held an event for these students to pick out their attire for prom.

“You know that in our community how expensive it is becoming to live here and we have over 10,000 students that are experiencing unstable housing,” said Dotres. “In addition to that we have, thousands of students that are living under the poverty level and we have to do whatever we can to help them succeed.”

Around 9 a.m., the prom-goers visited the Prom Boutique, located at Lindsey Hopkins Technical College, to pick out all their necessities to go to their homecoming in style.

“At the beginning, I wasn’t going to go,” said Prince Petit. “They really help try to find stuff I want.”

Ashley Alexander, a high school senior, was in the same predicament as Petit because of the high cost of prom dresses.

“But then [they told me to] come downtown and find a dress,” said Alexander. “I feel very blessed because my mom has four kids knowing I can at least help her and find something for me.”

But this boutique gives them more than pretty clothes to wear on a special night it gives them confidence and pride: you can just see it on their faces.

“I look nice — I really love the dress. I found something that looks good on me and in my size, now I have to find some shoes,” said Alexander.

The Prom Boutique serves 60 to 100 students weekly and it is all made possible through donations from the community. The monetary funds are also used to ensure these students can pay for their prom, Grad Bash, and senior activities, as well as graduation wear.

For information on the Prom Boutique or to donate, you can call M-DCPS Project UP-START at 305-995-7558 or email

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