NORTHWEST MIAMI-DADE, FLA. (WSVN) - A fight broke out at Miami Central High School, but it was four adults, not students, who were taken away in handcuffs.
Concerned parents rushed over to the school on Tuesday afternoon after learning about the threat.
Gizzelle Lampley’s outrage boiled over outside the school, located in Northwest Miami-Dade, after a brawl apparently broke out between adults and students. She said her daughter was caught up in the chaos.
“Yeah, she was jumped. She was assaulted by another grown-up on school campus,” she said.
“Another fight broke loose,” said Tyreiasha, Lampley’s daughter. “They thought I was involved, and they attacked me.”
Cellphone video captured the brawl that broke out around lunchtime.
Victims told 7News a group of about seven or eight people, men and women, jumped a group of Miami Central students.
Witnesses said the assailants were too old to be in high school.
District officials confirmed a group of adults tried to get on campus to fight students.
During the melee, one person’s head was slammed hard into a concrete wall.
“This is my senior year, and I’m supposed to be graduating this year,” said Tyreiasha. “All my mother wants is for me to walk across the stage, and I come to school to get jumped by grown people.”
A 17-year-old victim, with her mother, La Charee Boykin, by her side, said the adults who were seen on campus were complete strangers.
“Never seen them a day in my life, and they just came up to us and attacked us,” said the victim.
“I was actually at work, and I get a call from my daughter saying she’s been attacked by these grown people,” said Boykin.
“It was very scary, never been through anything like that,” said the victim.
“This is just horrible. It doesn’t make any sense at all. I’m very angry,” said Boykin.
7News cameras were at the campus as Miami-Dade Schools Police swarmed the high school, located off Northwest 95th Street, and multiple people were placed in handcuffs.
In total, four people were arrested.
“This school needs more security. It’s no reason why you got grown people trying to jump children at school. Where is the protection? Where’s the protection at?” said Lampley.
“Well, I think they’re dumber than a box of rocks to come to a school jumping on kids, for what?” said an area resident who identified herself as Renee.
Boykin told 7News she’s taking her daughter to the hospital. She said the adrenaline from the incident eventually wore off, and the pain from the blows to the teen has gotten worse.
Boykin also said she called the school demanding answers about what happened.
“No one answered the phone,” she said.
“Kinda sad, too, because now I don’t feel safe to go to school anymore,” said Boykin’s daughter. “Thank God they didn’t have any weapons because it could’ve been way worse than that.”
Police have not disclosed the identities of those who were arrested.
A spokesperson for Miami-Dade Public Schools said the four people who were arrested were over the age of 18 and are not students.
How the adults managed to enter the campus remains unknown at this time.
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