MIAMI (WSVN) - Patients at Holtz Children’s Hospital in Miami received a superhero surprise from some real-life heroes.

Several City of Miami Police officers left their badges and uniforms at home and donned some do-gooder tights to brighten the children’s day, Friday.

Law enforcers dressed as Batgirl, Black Panther, Captain America and Spider-Man all made the trip to the hospital.

Miami Police Officer Maj. Albert Guerra, who stepped into Spider-Man’s shoes, said the importance of the visit cannot be stressed enough.

“For us to have the opportunity to come to them, give them some joy, give them some happiness, and also let them know that they are actually the ones that are the superheroes, not us, they are the superheroes,” he said. “Their strength is just something that’s so motivational that it’s a great opportunity for us to be a part of.”

The department reached out to the hospital and asked if they could come visit while wearing the iconic super suits. Hospital officials agreed.

For children admitted to the hospital, the superhero encounter served as a distraction to the medical problems they face.

Guerra and an officer dressed as Black Panther spoke with a boy in his hospital bed.

“You know who you’re gonna be? You’re gonna be the president of the United States. You’re a smart guy,” said Guerra.

“Nah, I’d rather be him,” the patient replied as he pointed to “Black Panther.”

For the officers who made the trip so special, spreading happiness among the children made it all worth it.

“Just seeing the smiles on these kids’ faces as we approached their doorway, as we approach their rooms, just to see the joy that somebody came out to visit them and obviously somebody that’s somewhat of a celebrity, their reaction was the best feeling in the world,” said Guerra.

It was a sentiment shared by all the costumed officers. The only thing they could not agree on was which hero was the most popular.

“Obviously it’s been Spider-Man,” said Guerra. “Listen you can do a poll, do a poll.”

Each “superhero” was assigned a floor to spread joy. They said that for all the inspiration they gave these patients, the children gave it right back to them.

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