ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (WSVN) — We’ve seen gators on Florida golf courses, but one man spotted a less common sight during his game: a rattlesnake slithering across the green.
Logan Ungerer and his friends were golfing at the Mangrove Bay and Cypress Links Golf Course in St. Petersburg last week when the sizable snake interrupted their game.
Ungerer told Fox 13 the slithery surprise showed up on the 14th hole.
“It was definitely exhilarating,” he told the station. “It’s not every day you see a huge rattlesnake on a green in Florida.”
It’s surely a more rare sight than an alligator. Just last week, golfers in Palmetto, Florida watched a giant gator named “Chubbs” taking a stroll at the Buffalo Creek Golf Course.
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