PARKLAND, FLA. (WSVN) - Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School baseball players are coming together in an effort to get two of their coaches back on the team, Thursday.

Coaches Andrew Medina and David Taylor were reassigned to another school following the Feb. 14 shooting.

Medina and Taylor, who also served as unarmed security guards at the school, were told not to return to campus after the district discovered they failed to stop the shooter and did not lock down the school in time.

“You can’t really expect them to react any differently than what he did,” said student and baseball player Evan Lightbourn. “They’re not trained for the situation.”

Students on the team believe the school board is trying to place blame on the coaches instead of district leadership.

“I think everything that’s going on, I think they’re just trying to put the blame on different people even though they haven’t done anything wrong,” said student and baseball player Ben Destin.

“Those two are like two huge pillars in our family, and you guys just wiped them out. It honestly doesn’t make sense,” added Coach Barry Rooks. “If you really thought he did something wrong, then have enough guts and fire him.”

The students now hope that they might be able to change the minds of school board members by coming together to speak out.

“There are certain people that are trained for this, and they should be the ones at fault, not him,” said Lightbourn.

The baseball players said they will not stop until they can get the coaches back on the team.

“He always keeps us together and keeps us motivated to do our best,” said student and baseball player Aiden Williams.

Even parents are getting involved, saying they want to make sure the coaches are there for their kids, and that they know how important the men were for the students following the shooting.

“Throughout everything that was happening with the shooting and everything, he assured us we were all OK,” said Destin. “He’s like a big part of a family to us.”

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