PLANTATION, FLA. (WSVN) - Shoppers looking to help out a man who appeared to be homeless in Plantation were in for a big surprise.

Shoppers headed to the Target near Southwest 82nd Avenue and Third Street may have seen a homeless man in front of the business.

However, the man, Brian Breach, wasn’t actually homeless. Instead, is was all part of a plan.

Breach orchestrated the entire plan to appear as though he needed money, but he surprised shoppers instead with an act of kindness.

As a way of giving back, Breach gave a crisp $100 bill to all those who stopped to help him out.

“One woman actually came back, and she offered to give me food,” he said. “She asked me what I wanted for dinner or lunch.”

Another shopper came back out of the store with his son to teach him about giving back.

“I wanted to give you $100 to spend for your holidays,” he could be heard saying in the video.

“No way,” said the father.

“Yes, absolutely,” Breach said in return.

Breach said he came up with the plan to give back after gaining some inspiration a few days before Christmas.

“So I woke up a couple days before Christmas, and there was this video online that really inspired me to give,” said Breach “so I woke up, called my videographer, we went over to Target, and I held a sign that said, ‘Can you please help me feed my family?’ I had a cup there, and anyone that gave me a dollar, five dollars, anything like that got a hundred dollars in return.”

Video footage of the surprise act of kindness showed shoppers approaching Breach.

Breach said some people were brought to tears by the kind act.

“Since you’re such an incredible giver, I wanted to give you $100 to spend on your holiday,” Breach said in the video.

“Are you serious?” asked another shopper.

“Yes, absolutely,” Breach responded in the video.

Breach said he handed out $500 to unsuspecting shoppers by the end of the day.

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