HOLLYWOOD, FLA. (WSVN) - Police are seeking the public’s help in their search for a man who, they said, forced his way inside a room at a motel in Hollywood, got into fight with a guest and robbed him, all while pretending to have a gun.
Hollywood Police responded to the scene of the home invasion-style robbery at Richard’s Hotel along the 1400 block of South Federal Highway, early Friday morning.
According to investigators, the subject gained entry onto the property and waited for the right time to strike.
At around 1 a.m., police said, the assailant knocked on the door of the victim’s first-floor unit. When the guest opened the door, the robber pushed his way inside while attempting to cover his face with a T-shirt.
However, a surveillance camera captured a clear image of his face.
Once inside the unit, detectives said, the subject demanded money while keeping his hand under his shirt as if he had a firearm.
Police said the two men fought for the victim’s wallet. During the scrap, the brazen bandit struck the victim in the head, causing visible injuries, before he fled with the wallet.
According to the manager at Richard’s Hotel, the victim was visiting from Venezuela with his wife.
Some hotel guests who witnessed the alarming attack said they rushed in to help.
“He got bum-rushed,” said a hotel guest. “He was bleeding pretty bad … We tried to help the guy out as much as we can.”
One witness who spoke to 7News on the condition of anonymity described a disturbing scene.
“I saw a gentleman bleeding from the top of his head,” he said. “His wife was screaming, ‘Call the police! Call the police! Call the police!'”
Hotel guests said that even though the business has surveillance cameras, there is no security and no way to see who’s knocking on the room doors.
“There’s no peep holes on these doors in there,” said the witness.
Investigators said the attacker stands between 5 feet 10 inches and 6 feet 2 inches tall, has a thin build and tattoos on both arms, as well as a noticeable scar on his right shoulder. He was last seen wearing a gold watch, a floral print hat, a white tank top and jean shorts.
With this crook still out on the streets, hotel guests said they’re concerned for their own safety.
“There’s no security, and there’s no safety,” said the witness.
The motel’s manager said the victim and his wife checked out right after the incident.
It remains unclear whether or not the subject is actually armed.
If you have any information on his whereabouts, call Broward County Crime Stoppers at 954-493-TIPS. Remember, you can always remain anonymous, and you may be eligible for a $3,000 reward.
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