MIAMI (WSVN) - The superintendent search continues for Miami-Dade County Public Schools, as Miami-Dade School Board members have narrowed down their search for Alberto Carvalho’s replacement.
“It has to be someone who puts children first,” said District 6 Miami-Dade School Board member Mari Tere Rojas.
One out of the three candidates could become the next superintendent. Jacob Oliva, Florida Department of Education’s Senior Chancellor. Dr. Rafaela Espinal, an educator out of New York, and Dr. Jose Dotres, Collier County Deputy Superintendent who used to work within M-DCPS.
“Obviously, I have to make sure that it’s someone that is well-versed in the educational arena to be able to take the helm of the fourth largest school district when there are so many challenges that are out there,” said Rojas.
One of the biggest challenges may be convincing people who live in the community that the search for the next superintendent isn’t happening too quickly.
“This may be the most important decision that any Miami-Dade School Board makes in the next decade,” said a speaker representing the public.
Some argue the seven-day application period was too short, and that the board ignored a letter that 30 community leaders signed requesting the board to slow down their search.
“Let’s appoint an interim director to steer this ship until we can do a national search where we can find the best candidates that will lead our schools,” said another speaker representing the public.
On Tuesday, members spent several hours discussing how they should move forward.
“For us to sit here and congratulate ourselves on the open and transparent and fair process, I think it’s not fair to our community,” said Dr. Martha Perez, District 8.
“But I feel that if I was a candidate, I would totally withdraw my name. I would not want to be a part of this,” said Perla Tabares Hantman, Chairperson of M-DCPS.
At one point, Dr. Steve Gallon III voiced his top pick.
“I would like to make a motion to nominate Dr. Jose Dotres as the new superintendent of schools,” said Gallon.
Then he withdrew his motion.
“But I stand convicted in my position,” said Gallon.
The board eventually decided each candidate will be interviewed publicly.
“For me, it was very important to not only hear the questions that they may have — especially our parents — for the next superintendent, but to hear the answers in public from that person,” said Ms. Christie Fraga, District 5.
“With what I know now, with my due diligence, I’m pretty convicted right now, but anything could happen, obviously. There’s much more in this process that has now been added to it, but I think the community is really expecting us to be decisive,” said Gallon.
The meeting wrapped up with an approval of a motion. All three candidates will be in Miami at some point in the next couple of days for the public interview process.
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